Laser Treatment in Faisalabad Pakistan

What is Laser Treatment?

Laser therapies are medical treatments that use focused light. Unlike most light sources, light from a laser (which stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is tuned to specific wavelengths. This allows it to be focused into powerful beams. Laser light is so intense that it can be used to shape diamonds or cut steel.

In medicine, lasers allow surgeons to work at high levels of precision by focusing on a small area, damaging less of the surrounding tissue. If you have laser therapy, you may experience less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgery. However, laser therapy can be expensive and require repeated treatments.  

Types of Skin Laser Treatments

There are different types of skin laser treatments that are used to treat different skin concerns. Some of the most common types of laser treatments at Akhtar Skin Care Treatment:

Skin Laser Treatment Benfits

The benefits of skin laser treatment depend on the type of laser used and the skin concern being treated. Some of the most common benefits include:

We Are Experts In Laser Treatment

Frequently Ask Questions

Akhtar Skin Care Clinic best outcome in result, with up to an 80% permanent hair reduction.
Akhtar Skin Care Clinic, experts in Laser resurfacing, which can remove the signs of sun damage and neglect from the skin, rejuvenating it and removing wrinkles, lines and other age or stress-related signs as well.
Resurfacing of the skin using laser falls in the category of long-lasting. This means that the effects of the procedure last for several years. Longevity is dependent on age, as the process of ageing is a factor in determining how long the results are seen.
There are no side effects of the procedure, if the precautions explained are followed meticulously.